Wednesday, May 18, 2011

GeekTyrant Posts New Interview with Meaghan Rath

GeekTyrant has just posted a new interview with Meaghan Rath, who plays Sally on Being Human US. In the interview, she talks about her experience on the show, her belief in ghosts, and the differences between the two versions of the show.

Brian  S- What's been your favorite experience on the show so far?

Meaghan Rath- Definitely being able to work with the Sam’s. They are amazing and two of my closest friends. I feel safe with them. They inspire me. I’ve learned so much from them.
Meaghan promised that she will share the Season 2 premiere date with fans as soon as she knows it and conlcluded the interview with "Hi people! Can’t wait to make out with all of you."

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